“If you don’t build your own dreams, someone else will hire you to build theirs”-Tony Gaskins
If you are someone who relates with what Tony Gaskins said, Start-Up Story Media has a few pointers for you.
For some people, the journey of self-employment starts due to a life-altering event (parenthood, lay off etc.), for some people it’s what they’ve wanted to do since their childhood. The idea of being responsible for a venture of your own is an intimidating notion. Still, the benefits that come along with starting your own business makes up for the tumultuous voyage of building a startup.
Some of the advantages of starting your own business are-
Flexible hours: Being your own boss comes with the perk of choosing your own hours. Starting a business is hard work and requires long hours but you can design your schedule at your convenience.

Pursue your passionWhat excites you? No one can answer that question better than you. To put your efforts in a direction of your choosing is a true blessing.

Create Employment:
Business needs resources and most important of all is human resource. As an entrepreneur you will be generating employment along with growing your business.