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India-Born CEO Satya Nadella Named Microsoft Chairman

India-born CEO Satya Nadella named Microsoft chairman, announcement made on Wednesday by Microsoft Corp. The board’s independent directors unanimously elected Nadella to the role of board chair, and unanimously elected John W Thompson as the lead independent director, a role he held previously from 2012 to 2014. Satya Nadella named Microsoft chairman will now lead the work to set the agenda for the board, leveraging his deep understanding of the business to elevate the right strategic opportunities and identify key risks and mitigation approaches for the board’s review, a company statement said.

Further, Thompson the lead independent director, will retain significant authority including providing input on behalf of the independent directors on board agendas, calling meetings of the independent directors, setting agendas for executive sessions, and leading performance evaluations of the CEO as per statements issued by the company.

Microsoft has seen a lot of development and growth during Nadella’s leadership, recovering from setbacks in the mobile phone and internet search market, as well as a waning of the importance of its flagship Windows operating system.

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