Ishan Sharma, a 22-year-old who dropped out of BITS Pilani, recently made headlines after a podcast appearance with notable business figures Ashneer Grover, Asish Mohapatra, Sarthak Ahuja, and Sanjeev Bikhchandani. During the podcast, Ishan revealed that he earned ₹35 lakh last month but sees it as a problem because it’s a “small amount” that “does not allow him to go outside and do business.”
The statement left the seasoned entrepreneurs in disbelief. Ashneer Grover responded humorously, saying, “Tu yahan baithna chahiye, humko puchna chahiye (You should sit at our places, and we should be questioning you.)”
Grover went on to share that he was earning nothing when he was 22. Asish Mohapatra mentioned he was making ₹35,000 a month at that age, while Sarthak Ahuja and Sanjeev Bikhchandani revealed their earnings were ₹5,000 and ₹1,500, respectively.
The video clip of this segment went viral, amassing over 80,000 views, and sparked numerous reactions on social media.
One user commented, “It’s good that he is making 35LPM. But as soon as he becomes famous for this, it’ll create a FOMO moment for any college student at this stage. Even though I’m 23 and not earning a penny, I am dependent on my dad, but I’m working on something that’ll match the earnings of the same guy at that age.”
Another user, Pulkit Agarwal, expressed disbelief, “Did he just say ₹35 lakhs/month ‘a small money’?”
Sejal Sud, a user on X, praised Ishan, “He’s one of the most hardworking people I know.”
A fourth user added humorously, “I was having a great day until I saw this.”