Local startup wins $250,000

A firm made up of present and former University of Oklahoma students has won a prize for an invention that aims to reduce and redistribute atmospheric carbon while also regenerating farms and enhancing agricultural output.
Bison Underground, a firm founded by U.S. Marine Corps veteran and University of Oklahoma Ph.D candidate Steven Adams in August, was won a $250,000 prize from XPRIZE’s $5 million Carbon Removal student competition.Elon Musk and the Musk Foundation are funding the $100 million prize pool for XPRIZE, a nonprofit that supports humanitarian technical improvements.A firm made up of present and former University of Oklahoma students has won a prize for an invention that aims to reduce and redistribute atmospheric carbon while also regenerating farms and enhancing agricultural output.

Bison Underground, a firm founded by U.S. Marine Corps veteran and University of Oklahoma Ph.D candidate Steven Adams in August, was won a $250,000 prize from XPRIZE’s $5 million Carbon Removal student competition.Elon Musk and the Musk Foundation are funding the $100 million prize pool for XPRIZE, a nonprofit that supports humanitarian technical improvements.