Impact of the global crisis
COVID-19 has turned to be a full-turbulence pandemic. It is undeniably the most stressful time, especially for small business owners who have micro scale coffers to sustain them. Unemployment has skyrocketed as businesses are compelled to shutter their doors. The impact of COVID-19 is considered to be the biggest crash in financial markets since 1987. Many have lost their jobs, many are homeless and a major population is surviving on minimum assets.
Measures to contain the virus – such as lock downs and quarantines – have led to traumatic repercussions for small business operations and disrupted many existing local and brick-and-mortar shops. They tend to have fewer assets and limited cash reserves to mitigate the lock down-induced liquidity shortages, abandoning them from even the basic needs of food and roof!
Our contribution to crisis management
Addition to governmental measures, citizens’ contribution in the form of public strategies and volunteering is the most effective shield from this pandemic. Many non-profit organizations have come forward to play their part in feeding locals, stray animals, providing transportation and basic amenities to visible needies. Apart from organizations’ work, individuals and youth can be heard and seen working towards aid distribution to underprivileged societies to help them sustaining the challenging times and giving them a hope that humanity is still having their back.

The recent epitome of Influencing
A food blogger Gaurav Wasan posted a video clip of an aged couple selling home-made food from a small kiosk in South Delhi. In the video, 80-year-old Kanta Prasad shared about his hardships that he and his wife Badami Devi faced during the lockdown. The video went viral overnight and reached millions of people. As a result, huge lines could be seen outside their stall – Baba Ka Dhaba. Overnight, the post escalated into a movement to help the elderly, whose plight hit the chord of empathy in distant corners of India. Delhiites have integrated a solution and we must continue this lesson to more people like Kanta Prasad.
Ways to Help Small Businesses and Shops –
1. Shop at them wherever possible, instead of larger or more resilient ones.
This allows equal monetary distribution to all parts of the sector – and stabilizing the ill-effects.
2. Take to Social Media & Amplify Messages
Instead of spending your time listlessly scrolling, forge an active effort to follow and share the posts of small-scale companies and shops you want to support.
Amplify messages with minimal effort and provide small firms with the most valuable advertising there is – word-of-mouth. Your social media boosts can also add credibility to the company you’re vouching for.
Order (More) Take Out & Delivery
You may finally have the time in quarantine to cook your own meals, but don’t forget to consider the alarming situations of your neighboring restaurants. As the hospitality and the restaurants are the majorly affected sectors of COVID-19. We should help them get back on track. And lay a foundation of a stronger world.
Conclusion – Epilogue to be shared
The reach of COVID-19 is enormous, and its economic impact is grim.
Small businesses are hurting the most. It’s up to us as a community to do whatever we can to help the affected.
Whether it’s with monetary support, volunteering our talents, or even just ordering some food from a local eatery – every bit counts.
If we put our efforts together, we can keep our bodies and businesses healthy and sustainable.