Assessor | One-stop solution for financing and accounting services
- ByStartupStory | January 15, 2021

Finance is a huge problem for small businesses, no business can function without proper finance. The main reason for this issue is less availability of credit\loans not getting approved because of weak finance. Keeping accounts on track is also difficult for small businesses, because of the lack of knowledge.
Inspiring and long journey
22 years back, Mr. Arvind Tripathi and Mrs. Sunita Tripathi introduced Assessor to the world of accounting and financial services, and since then, Assessor is providing accounting services to all kind of businesses.
“We want to be a one-stop solution for financing, taxation and accounting services for all”, says Shreya Tripathi, legal consultant of Assessor.
Innovation according to the market needs
Miss.Shreya Tripathi and her brother Mr.Apoorav Tripathi is carrying their father’s legacy, in accounting services. To bring the initiative they build the app to make accounting easy and handy.
To make the finance, accounting, and taxation hassle free, Apoorva Tripathi came up with the idea, during the lockdown period, to build an application that provides all the services on one-stop. In starting period the application was made for book-keeping and bank reconciliation only. But to make it different from other applications more features of accounting like; eBay bills were added.
Shreya says to Startup Story Media that “The whole credit for the application goes to my brother, Apoorva, who is super talented, and is the master-mind behind all the plans or ideas takes place in the company.” said Shreya. “He is the person behind every plan, all we do is execute that plan.”. Shreya added.
Mindset behind the name of Assessor was:
Assessor means- an expert who calculates the value or cost of something or the amount of money to be paid| Give advice or suggestions about accounting.
How ASSESSOR works
There are so many people who do not have knowledge about the Income Tax. Hence, Assessor provides the ease for their costumers, so that everyone gets business in legal terms, that is also helpful in country’s economy. So many sole-proprietors, entrepreneurs, small business holder have no idea and legal knowledge about the business even though Government provides so many subsidies. To make it reachable to the people who need proper guidance, and to remove the pressure, the Assessor is now only one click away.
The work is divided in different departments, as Miss.Shreya, Mr.Apoorva, and their parents, all are indulge in the company. Where Miss. Shreya Tripathi is an advocate so she handles all the legal matters and the GST department, Mr. Apoorva Tripathi takes care of all the income tax related matters.
Shreya said,” Our parents are, our support system or you can say that, they are the spinal cord for me and my brother.”
Missions they are working for
Assessor’s mission is to make accounting process easy and hassle free. To motivate and help the customer to get registered under the GST regime and Income Tax regime.and to help the country’s economy.
Accounting is like a Doctor
“Accounting is like a doctor for enterprises or companies.” says Shreya. “because you have to tell each and every loophole and aspects about the company, at the time of accounting.” she added.
Miss Shreya told Startup Story Media, Accounting plays a role of doctor for business organizations. As we should be honest with the doctor about the disease or health related problem so that he can cure it perfectly. Same as, while preparing the accounts of the company or providing other services there must be a mutual understanding and the person should be honest about the details he is providing for his company’s accounts or services, so that he can run his business without any finance related problems.
Relation with the customer
Shreya shared that, On a very first hand it becomes very necessary to comfort the costumer so that he can share the problem without any hesitation. So the team of Assessor make him comfortable and make him feel like family.
“We are not here just to earn money, we are here to give the correct information and comfort to our costumer.” says Shreya.
Difficulties in the process
While running a company there are always some difficult times or points, which help entrepreneurs to learn more.
When Startup Story Media asked about the difficulties faced during the startup Shreya says that they faced difficulties while convincing costumers, we face challenges while having conversations with IT and Software expert to put all our efforts and mind set in the same and right direction so that our application and process of integration of APK is in the right direction.
With the team of about 15 employees, Assessor works efficiently for their costumers and make sure to provide them every service they are looking for, related to accounts and finance.
A message filled with experience
“No work is small or big. Keep your mind innovative as much as possible. If you want to startup your own business, so come up with new and innovative idea. And always do everything under the legal terms.” said Shreya, on asking about the suggestions for newcomers or entrepreneurs.