AR Startup Whodat Acquired By BYJU’S, Ideaspring Capital To Exit
- BySheetal Sidhu | August 4, 2021
BYJU’S has acquired Bengaluru-based computer vision and AR startup Whodat for an undiscloed sum. Whodat’s early investor Ideaspring Capital, which had put in $600,000 in the company at the seed stage, will fully exit following the transaction. BYJU’S is set to take ownership of Whodat’s team and its proprietary computer vision platform to accelerate its new product development.“We are incredibly excited to partner with BYJU’S on a mission to make students across the world fall in love with learning. Whodat has had an incredible journey so far and this will leapfrog our impact to the next level,” Whodat Founder Sriram said. Arihant Patni, MD of Ideaspring Capital, said in a statement, “We were very impressed when we first met Sriram and Kaushik as they were building a product that was in the frontier of Augmented Reality. We are very excited that they will be continuing their work in BYJU’S, impacting the learning experience of millions of children globally.”
Commenting on the deal, Anita Kishore, Chief Strategy Officer, BYJU’S, said, “We are excited to have Sriram, Kaushik, and the entire Whodat team join BYJU’S. This will help us accelerate our product roadmap to provide immersive educational products across product lines.”